Reaching new audiences and fresh markets

Limited market awareness was creating an identity crisis for READ Cased Hole. They needed to break into fresh markets.

Time to reposition

For over 25 years, READ has built an impressive track record for providing high-value well intelligence in Energy. READ’s small, highly-skilled team have ambitious international growth plans and continue to invest in relevant new technology development. But the message was yet to reach the right markets. Faced with this challenge, a new executive management team engaged Hundred to help lead them through a major brand and positioning exercise.

Finding the unique proposition

READ now positioned more assertively within the international well integrity and production logging market space. There was a need to define and articulate the company’s strengths and market differentiators. READ had the diagnostic expertise to deliver well integrity answers to clients faster than anyone else. This enabled operators to make qualified decisions about their wells, quickly and with confidence, saving them valuable time and money.

Together we developed a value proposition and associated messaging that formed the centre of a highly captivating brand, that resonated key customers.

The branding and positioning took place at a critical time in READ’s business and played an important role in the retention of a major clients and securing key long-term contracts with significant strategic value.

The brand platform was later leveraged to product campaign level and can be seen today across all channels.

“The Hundred Brands team are passionate about their work and those with whom they choose to work. The energy that they poured into the project helped to build the momentum and self-belief that enabled READ to come out from within itself to present a bold and confident image within a traditionally highly conservative market.”

Tobben Tymons, Sales Director

“Hundred Brands value the quality of the final product, working in a highly collaborative fashion and with great care and attention to detail to deliver brands of the highest level. Moreover, Hundred Brands are great at understanding their client’s needs, ensuring that the end result is organic, never forced and without compromise.”

Tobben Tymons, Sales Director